Creating Exit-Intent Popups with Pro Features, Elementor Popup

Creating exit-intent popups in Elementor with Pro features lets you capture your visitors’ attention right before they leave your site, providing a powerful tool for improving conversion rates, collecting emails, or conveying essential messages. Elementor Pro includes a robust popup builder that integrates seamlessly with your website design, enabling you to create visually appealing and highly effective exit-intent popups. Here’s how to create an exit-intent popup using Elementor Pro’s features:

Step 1: Accessing the Popup Builder

  1. Ensure you have Elementor Pro installed and activated on your WordPress site.
  2. From your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Templates > Popups > Add New.
  3. Name your popup template and click the ‘Create Template’ button.

Step 2: Designing Your Popup

  1. Select a Template or Begin with Nothing at All. Elementor Pro offers a variety of popup templates that you can customize. Alternatively, you can create your popup entirely from scratch using a blank template.
  2. Customize the Layout: Use the Elementor editor to add headings, images, forms, and buttons. An item from the Elementor panel can be dragged and dropped into your popup layout.
  3. Style Your Popup: Adjust colors, fonts, and spacing to match your brand’s style. Elementor’s styling options give you complete control over your popup’s appearance.

Step 3: Setting Up Exit-Intent Trigger

  1. Once satisfied with your popup design, click the ‘Publish’ button.
  2. A new window will appear with display settings. Here, you’ll set your popup’s conditions, triggers, and advanced rules.
  3. Conditions: Define where on your site the popup will be displayed. You can select specific pages, posts, or the entire site.
  4. Triggers: Scroll down to the ‘Triggers’ section and choose ‘On Page Exit Intent.’ This setting ensures the popup appears when the user’s cursor moves to close the browser tab or navigates away from the page.
  5. Advanced Rules: Set additional rules if needed, such as showing the popup after a certain amount of time spent on the site or only showing it to users who still need to subscribe.

Step 4: Integrating with Forms and Actions

  • If your popup includes a form (for newsletter sign-ups, offers, etc.), you can integrate it with your email marketing service directly from Elementor. Go to Actions After Submit in the form widget and choose your email service or any other action you wish to occur after form submission.

Step 5: Testing Your Popup

  • Before finalizing, test your popup to ensure it works as expected. Visit your site and perform actions that would trigger the exit-intent popup to appear. Adjust any settings if necessary.


Exit-intent popups created with Elementor Pro can be a strategic asset in your digital marketing toolkit. They allow you to engage visitors at a critical moment, offering them reasons to stay or inviting them to connect further with your brand. With Elementor Pro’s intuitive design interface and powerful trigger options, you can create customized exit-intent popups that not only look great but are optimized for conversions.

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