by Ben Gabler: A Hosting Overview is a managed WordPress hosting platform designed to offer exceptional speed, security, and simplicity for WordPress websites. Launched with a vision to provide a top-tier hosting environment, focuses on delivering high performance through its advanced infrastructure. Ben Gabler, a veteran in the hosting industry with extensive experience, founded to address common pain points experienced by WordPress users, particularly in areas of speed, security, and ease of use. Here’s an overview of’s key features and offerings:

Performance and Speed leverages edge computing technology to deliver content faster and reduce latency. Every website hosted on benefits from a built-in Content Delivery Network (CDN), ensuring that your website’s data is stored close to your visitors, no matter where they are. This, coupled with advanced caching techniques and the latest technologies like HTTP/3 support, makes an excellent choice for businesses and individuals aiming for top-notch website performance.


Security is a significant focus for Several built-in security features designed to protect websites against various threats are available on the platform:

  • Web Application Firewall (WAF): Automatically filters and blocks malicious traffic before it reaches your site.
  • SSL Certificates: Free SSL certificates are available for all hosted websites, ensuring encrypted connections.
  • Malware Scanning and Removal: Continuous monitoring for potential threats with proactive measures to remove any detected malware.

User-Friendly Management aims to simplify the management of WordPress sites with an intuitive control panel. This user-friendly interface allows users to easily manage their websites, databases, domains, and more without deep technical expertise. The platform also provides automatic WordPress updates, ensuring that your site is always running the latest, most secure version.

Scalability is ideal for websites of all sizes, from tiny blogs to big e-commerce sites. It provides various hosting options catering to different needs and budgets. Upgrading your plan to accommodate more traffic or resources is straightforward, making a scalable option for growing businesses.

Customer Support prides itself on offering stellar customer support. Users can expect fast and knowledgeable assistance from a team well-versed in WordPress and hosting-related issues. Live chat, email, and telephone support are provided to ensure the availability of assistance in a timely manner and that help is readily available.

Pricing offers competitive pricing for its managed WordPress hosting services, with plans structured to cater to different types of users. While the pricing may be higher than some basic hosting options, the value derived from premium performance, security features, and support justifies the investment for many users.


Under Ben Gabler’s leadership, stands out in the crowded WordPress hosting market by emphasizing speed, security, and ease of use. By integrating cutting-edge technology with user-friendly management tools and exceptional support, provides a compelling hosting solution for WordPress users seeking to optimize their site’s performance and security. Whether launching a new WordPress site or considering migrating an existing site, offers a robust and scalable hosting environment designed to meet the needs of today’s dynamic online landscapes.


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