Getting Started with Elementor – Tutorial, Tips, and Guide

Elementor has become one of the most popular WordPress page builders due to its flexibility, ease of use, and ability to create professional-looking website designs without knowing how to code. Whether you build a simple blog or a complex online store, Elementor can help you achieve your vision with less effort and time. Here’s a comprehensive guide to get you started with Elementor and some tips to enhance your website-building experience.

Getting Started with Elementor

  1. Installation
  • Free Version: You can install the accessible version of Elementor directly from your WordPress dashboard. Go to Plugins > Add New, search for Elementor, and click Install Now. After installation, activate the Plugin.
  • Pro Version: Purchase Elementor Pro from the Elementor website for additional functionality. You’ll receive a zip file and a license key. Utilizing Plugins > Add New > Upload, upload the zip file. Plugin, and activate it. Then, enter your license key to enable Pro features.
  1. Creating Your First Page
  • Navigate to Pages > Add New in your WordPress dashboard.
  • Click the “Edit with Elementor” button to launch the Elementor page builder.
  • You’ll be taken to the Elementor editor, where you can start designing your page.
  1. Using Elements and Widgets
  • Elementor uses a drag-and-drop interface. You’ll find elements and widgets on the left panel that you can drag onto your page.
  • Fundamental widgets include headings, images, text editors, and buttons. Pro widgets offer more advanced options like forms, slides, and price tables.
  1. Designing Your Page
  • Sections, Columns, and Widgets: Pages are designed using sections, which can be divided into columns. Widgets are then placed inside columns.
  • Customization: Each widget and section can be customized in layout, style, and content settings. This is done in the left panel when a widget or section is selected.
  • Responsive Design: Elementor lets you preview and adjust your design for viewing on desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Use the responsive mode to ensure your site looks great on any device.
  1. Using Templates
  •  Elementor has many templates ready to be designed and blocks that can be added to your Web pages. This is a great way to speed up the design process.
  •  Click on the folder icon to apply a template. In the Elementor editor, choose a template and insert it into your page. You can then customize it as needed.

Tips for Using Elementor

  • Extend with Add-ons: Numerous third-party add-ons offer additional widgets and features for Elementor. Explore these to extend the functionality of your site.
  • Optimize for Speed: High-quality images and too many widgets can slow down your site. Optimize images and be mindful of the number of widgets used.
  • Learn from Tutorials: Elementor offers an extensive library of tutorials and documentation. Make use of these resources to learn advanced techniques and best practices.
  • Backup Regularly: Before making significant changes to your site, ensure you have a recent backup. This allows you to restore your site if something goes wrong.
  • Experiment with Global Settings: Elementor’s global settings let you set your site’s default fonts, colors, and other styling options. This helps maintain consistency across your pages.


Elementor is a powerful tool that democratizes Web Web design, which enables website creation for people of different experience levels to build a website beautiful, functional websites. By following this guide and exploring Elementor’s features, you’ll be well on making your professional-looking website. Remember, practice is the key to mastering Elementor, so don’t be afraid to experiment and explore all its possibilities.


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